Lifting each other up: The Body Shop launches The Reverse Roast

updated on Aug 8, 2024

Figures from The Body Shop’s Global Self Love Index reveals 40% of LGBTQ+ people are facing a self-love crisis
Self-love is no easy thing. Many of us struggle with the concept and it’s been revealed that LGBTQ+ people may be struggling more than others. According to results from The Body Shop’s Global Self Love Index, more than four in 10 of those in the LGBTQ+ community are nearly twice as likely to have low self-love compared to their heterosexual and/or cisgender peers. On top of this, 46% consider themselves a ‘failure’ compared to 25% of heterosexual people.
In a bid to support and encourage the community and its allies, The Body Shop has launched The Reverse Roast, a powerful film that sees Queens Lawrence Chaney and Tia Kofi lift each other up with affirmations of self-love and compliments galore.
Once the pair realise they won’t be taking each other down like a traditional ‘roast’, the compliments start. Struggling a little initially to both give and receive compliments, in time the Queens relish the power of supporting each other in this way.
“Self-love isn’t something that comes naturally to a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community and I’ve had my fair share of battles with self-doubt,” Lawrence explains.
“It’s important to remember to tell the people around you how amazing they are, and if you ever find yourself questioning your own self-worth, look in the mirror and have a moment to appreciate how FABULOUS you are.”
Tia agrees, noting that the beauty of a compliment goes a long way and the importance of self-love, “However you are celebrating this Pride season, remember to remind yourself that you are loved, no matter what your age, race, orientation, ability, or gender.”
The film ends with an important message, ‘when we remind others just how amazing they are, we remind them, to remind themselves.’
Self-love and self-worth can be intrinsically linked to mental health and indeed, the LGBTQ+ community does experience mental health issues at greater rates than non-LGBTQ+ people. Two-thirds (64%) of LGBTQ+ people report experiences of anti-LGBT+ violence or abuse.
UK LGBTQ+ mental health service MindOut reports calls to their helplines every nine minutes and demand for its webchat service doubling in the last six months.
“MindOut has been working so hard this last year responding to more requests for help than ever before. Many people’s mental health has been severely affected by the pandemic, and LGBTQ+ communities especially hard hit.” Helen Jones, CEO of Mindout says.
“The Body Shop’s research into self-love shows what an impact this has on our communities. It’s wonderful to see stars like Laurence and Tia giving us permission to love ourselves and each other, it’s a brilliant film and we are so grateful to The Body Shop for their continued support for our work.”
This video and message form part of The Body Shop’s Self-love Uprising which aims to inspire 1,000,000 acts of self-love in its first year. You can find out more at their Self-Love Hub.
If you’re looking for support with self-worth and your mental health, visit Counselling Directory to connect with a therapist.