Sinead O’Connor: Safe Following 'Call For Help' Video

Kathryn Wheeler
By Kathryn Wheeler,
updated on Aug 21, 2017

Sinead O’Connor: Safe Following 'Call For Help' Video

Overwhelming love and support for singer, Sinead O'Connor, after posting a video documenting her mental health crisis

Last Tuesday 8 August, Sinead O’Connor uploaded a devastating video to her Facebook page where she opened up about her battle with mental illness. A spokesperson has since reassured fans that Sinead is safe and, shortly after, she released a second video where she spoke about checking into a hospital.

The response to Sinead’s video, both from her fans and fellow artists, has been of concern, love and support. Annie Lennox, Eurythmics singer and activist, took to Facebook to voice her concerns for Sinead’s safety, noting Sinead’s video as a "truly depressing call for help", and expressing her wish for those close to Sinead to offer her love and support.

Fans expressed their concern in the comment section of the videos, as well as else where on social media.

Tyson Fury, the reigning world champion for heavyweight boxing, recorded and shared a video for Sinead, offering his support and urging her to contact him. Tyson himself has battled depression throughout his career, saying in his video to Sinead: "I've recently been going through a lot of it myself, Sinead, and you're not alone. There's a lot of people out there going through the same. Millions of people around the world suffer with this."

Discussion of the commonality of mental health disorders was present in Sinead’s original video and, despite her own personal distress, she reached out to others suffering with mental health illnesses, hoping that this video is "somehow helpful". She continues, "I am one of millions of people. People who suffer from mental illness are the most vulnerable people on earth."

Whilst Sinead’s video is a heartbreaking example of the damage that mental health disorders can do, it has spurred a dialogue of love, support and awareness of these so-called "invisible diseases".

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