The author, entertainment entrepreneur, and life coach opens up about her memoir – Falling Love Notes – her experience with grief, misconceptions about being an adoptee, and why she wants to reach others with her story
Hi Samantha! What inspired you to tell your story with Falling Love Notes?
I’ve always wanted to share my journey and to give tools to anyone going through difficult scenarios. If my life journey can help at least one person – and hopefully many more – get through difficult times, that is my inspiration. Ultimately, I want to connect with other human beings and for all of us to evolve collectively.
You cover some very intimate moments from your life. Did you have any anxieties about sharing your story?
I shared my truth and was vulnerable for the greater good. My intention is for all humans to heal and grow. I wanted to share my story in a loving way and I didn’t want to hurt others while being honest and raw. I also did not want to come across as being selfish and releasing an intimate project during a pandemic. I had lots of anxiety over the timing of the release. But my team and business associates – including family and friends – all felt that the world really needed to hear my story now.
You’re an adoptee yourself. Are there any misconceptions about adoption that you would like to debunk?
I would like for all adopted children to find some peace from feeling unloved and unwanted. We were all put up for adoption for different reasons, but that does not mean you’re unloved. Sometimes people make decisions that are very difficult based on love and selflessness.
You’re open about the grief you have experienced throughout your life. Is there anything about grief that surprised you?
Yes, I was surprised when I experienced anger along with grief. I have lost a lot of loved ones in my life and we grieve them, we miss them, we hold onto memories and we hold them in our hearts. What has surprised me regarding grief in my families is the frustration and anger that has accompanied the grieving, because we still have so many unanswered questions.
For those who have experienced bereavement, do you have any lessons you could share?
The first step that I will always share is you need to feel to heal. Take some time and really be clear on your feelings, so that you can face each one and work through it. There is no easy way to get through grief. There’s no quick fix, you have to do the work. Cry it out, go to therapy, talk to your loved ones and family, reach out to groups in your local area.
What drives you?
Passion, truth, love, and my son.
What does spirituality mean to you?
Spirituality means inner peace, evolution, knowledge, and unity. I live my life on the foundation of love. I believe we are here to learn and grow.
If you’re going through a difficult period, what self-care activities do you turn to?
Healthy distractions, always. I listen to music that makes me feel happy or reminds me of a safe time in my life. I love to listen to Stevie Nicks – she’s my go-to. I work out and meditate almost daily. I spend quality time with my family and as much time with mother nature – taking walks or hikes, or spending time at the beach or poolside to ground me.
Do you have a favourite quote or affirmation?
“When I look up into the sky I don’t see a ceiling, so, therefore, there are no limits. I do not put limits on myself, so let’s manifest! Sky’s the limit.”
If you had to condense it down, what one lesson would you like readers to take from your book, Falling Love Notes?
To be victorious, not a victim.
'Falling Love Notes', Around The Way Publishing, out now.
PHOTOGRAPHY | Riker Brothers
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