Children's Book Corner: Moving and Mindfulness
updated on Sep 5, 2017

At some point during their childhood, kids are bound to go through at least one big event; moving house, changing schools, or having friends who move away.
Finding a way to help kids understand and cope with change can be tricky, but there are some great books out there that can help.
We caught up with Devon-based author and healer, Hilda Kalap, about her debut children’s illustrated book, Donna and Dermot on the Move. A brand-new book for children, it tackles the topic of moving, and how mindfulness can help kids learn to go with the flow.
Donna realises that she has been missing out on the wonder of the present and it's her who has the power to decide at any given moment how she wants to react to something difficult.
Myself and my children have moved seven times in seven years and I can say from personal experience what it's like to be 'on the move'.
If we focused on mindfulness as a core part of each child's learning throughout the world I truly believe that in one generation we could have a world without war. It's that important.
For more information and tips on how to introduce mindfulness to children from Hilda, visit Therapy Directory
Donna and Dermot on the Move is available to purchase from publisher Pegasus or from Amazon now. To find out more about author and healer Hilda Kapal, visit Therapy Directory.