‘Blue sky dating’: Harnessing the energy of spring

updated on Mar 30, 2023

As the days get longer and lighter evenings are setting in, many of us are finding new-found confidence to tackle the world of dating
Research from the dating app Badoo suggests that the first shoots of spring mark new beginnings for many single people. As the temperature slowly creeps up and the days get longer, almost three-quarters (74%) of singletons say that their outlook on dating is more positive, coining the term ‘blue sky dating’.
Over half of those surveyed said that, during the winter months, dating can be particularly challenging due to the pressure of ‘cuffing season’. This is where people seek out a romantic, ‘cosy’ relationship to get through the colder months, which often comes to an end after Valentine's Day. As this pressure begins to wear off during the change of seasons, more singletons are finding the ‘spring in their step’ to get back out there.
For many of us, the warmer, lighter days have a huge impact on our overall mood and wellbeing, and the same goes for our relationships. One-third of those polled said that feeling happier in themselves meant they had more confidence to start conversations, and another third said they were putting less pressure on themselves.
If you’re finding yourself drawn to this ‘blue sky’ energy, you may be asking yourself how you can harness the power of spring to really tackle the dating world head-on. Here's a few tips to get started:
Embrace the energy of spring
It’s well known that exposure to sunlight increases our levels of serotonin in the body - the happy hormone. Try to get outdoors as much as possible and absorb all the wellbeing benefits that being in nature brings, filling your mind with hope and excitement for what’s to come.
Let go of old flames
If you’re struggling to let go of feelings towards someone you previously dated, now is the time to “spring-clean your love life”, according to relationship coach, Persia Lawson. Unfollow anyone that’s ghosted or hurt you in the past and break the pattern of falling into relationships that go hot and cold. Doing this will help you free up emotional space to put your efforts into future potential relationships.
Consider your desired qualities and attributes
Now is the time to reflect on your past relationships and consider what you’re looking for in the next. Was there anything that went wrong or that you didn’t value previously? Ask yourself what you want to get out of your next relationship - what qualities and attributes do you look for in a person? This will help you navigate dating and means you can walk away before getting invested if they’re not the right match for you.
Lose the pressure
Lastly, it’s important to acknowledge that dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions and it won’t always be smooth sailing. Try to take it lightly and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself or the potential relationship. Dating should be fun and exciting. If it’s not (or you feel like you’re under obligation to find someone) stop. Always approach dating as your most authentic self and you'll recognise when a true spark is there.
Read the original article on Metro.co.uk.