What is manifestation all about and how does it work?

updated on Aug 8, 2024

Our expert columnist takes a deep dive into this mysterious concept
The concept of manifesting suggests that individuals can think, visualise, and believe their goals into reality. It’s often associated with the ‘law of attraction’, based on the idea that our thoughts impact our beliefs, behaviours, and consequently our outcomes.
While the effectiveness of manifesting is not supported by scientific evidence, research does indicate that people who believe they have control over their lives (known as internal locus of control) are more likely to achieve their goals than those who rely heavily on fate – highlighted in a 2022 Frontiers in Psychology article that reviewed this concept from an entrepreneurial angle. This belief in personal agency is consistent with having a growth mindset, and contrasts the often misunderstood ‘passive approach’ to manifesting, implying that people can materialise their goals through thoughts and beliefs alone.
So, while there isn’t conclusive scientific evidence to support manifesting, studies suggest that having a positive attitude can influence our approach to achieving goals, especially when accompanied by inspired actions.
As an advocate of manifesting, here I will share five steps that can support you to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desired outcomes, to help you create the reality you truly deserve.
Step 1: Decide what you want.
Although this sounds obvious, many people are vague or unclear about what they really want, and instead focus their attention on what they do not want. To manifest effectively, you need to be specific about what makes you light up from within.
To fine tune your desires, write them down in as much detail as possible, e.g. instead of “I want to be happy”, say “I want to wake up every morning feeling grateful for my life. I want a fulfilling career, where I make a positive impact on the world. I want to travel, and experience different cultures.”
Being sure of what you want creates a clear picture in your subconscious mind, which acts as a blueprint to work on attracting that very thing into your life.
Step 2: Visualise it happening.
This means that you not only imagine yourself having that outcome, but physiologically experience being in the desired state. E.g. if you are self-employed and your desire is to have lots of clients, you may imagine your diary being full, and conversations with prospective clients to explain that there’s a waiting list.
Visualising your desired outcome helps activate your imagination, which is one of the most powerful tools for creating your reality, according to neuroplasticity. Scientists say the brain has an amazing ability to adapt and rewire itself when engaged with positive self-talk and visualisation. Spiritualists say that when you visualise something, you send a signal to the universe that this is what you desire and deserve, and the universe responds by matching your vibration.
Step 3: Believe it is possible.
The ability to trust that your desires can come true is arguably where most people stumble. Believing it is possible means to have faith and conviction that you are deserving of whatever it is that you want, and that it will come to you at the right time and in the right way.
Letting go of any doubt about how it will happen can be challenging for those who are governed by their logical mind. The most powerful manifesting is based on trusting the flow of opportunities that may present themselves when you are fully aligned with your authentic self. You may consider working with a coach to help eliminate limiting beliefs, and replace them with empowering ones that aid your vision.
Step 4: Take action towards it.
This is the step that some people who advocate the law of attraction miss out! Taking positive and inspired action is fundamental, as opposed to a ‘watch and wait’ approach. For me, this means doing something small every day that brings you closer to your desired outcome.
Many people misunderstand manifesting, and assume that we just sit back and wait for the universe to grant our wishes! In this step, we encourage you to take inspired and aligned action that matches your intention. This creates momentum and synchronicity in your life, which attracts opportunities, as well as boosting your confidence.
To do this, try breaking down your goal into small, manageable steps, and scheduling them into your daily routine. It is important to prioritise your tasks, along with tracking your progress, and celebrating your achievements.
Step 5: Let go of the outcome.
This may seem counterproductive, but it simply means that you detach yourself from the result, and focus on the journey rather than the destination. Letting go allows you to enjoy the present moment and appreciate what you already have, rather than focusing on what you lack. It also boosts the immune system and improves sleep quality, bringing an overall sense of calm and wellbeing, as found by Seligman et al. in American Psychologist in 2005.
In my experience of following the steps discussed, you can create the reality you want and live the life you deserve. I believe that we are all powerful creators, and have the ability to manifest anything.
Portrait | Julia Morris