From charity support services to mum networks and some light hearted laughs, mums, these are for you
At a time of great uncertainty, a threat to your physical and mental health, and on-demand housefuls, Mums have it tough. Of course, dads too, but this week we’re celebrating mums in honour of Maternal Mental Health Matters week.
We’ve put together a whole host of mum-specific features to browse through, when the kids are in bed. So find a quiet spot, this is your time.
Support for mums
Taking a break
We are all in this together, and whilst we all may not be in the same boat, stresses and feelings of low mood can overwhelm us, particularly when trying to juggle every loaded plate. Mental health charity Mind launched their Mums Matter project, providing support, community and essential information for mums tackling everyday life.
As part of their Mums Matter service, they offer an eight-week breathing and meditation program, teaching you simple breath work you can tap into, when you just need a moment.
Connecting with others
From a mum who is working as a nurse in the midst of the pandemic, to a full time working mum juggling homeschooling and keeping her job, these four mums bring you their own Coronavirus Diaries on how they are managing everyday life in lockdown.
Living with teens
The brainchild from blogging sensation and single parent to Flea, Sally Whittle's, Who’s the mummy?, showcases life in lockdown with a teenager, when it’s just the two of them. In one of her latest posts, she notes, “school is not your problem”, and she’s right. Whilst you navigate this time - which, quite frankly, I still can’t get my head around - if you don’t manage to hit a 9am - 3pm school routine, that’s OK.
Sally says, “It’s inevitable that Flea will need to do some catching up when she finally goes back to school. But if she’s emotionally healthy and has kept a positive view of learning, then I think I’ll have done my job.” Take comfort in those words.
Letting off steam, for mums
Finding nature
If you co-parent under one household, now is the perfect time to take a precious afternoon just for yourself. This Friday (May Day), eco-wellness company As We Live and Breathe are hosting an online yoga retreat, celebrating the start of summer and our connection to nature. For a few hours of uninterrupted bliss, downward facing dog has never looked so appealing.

Enjoying a well-deserved laugh
Now this isn’t one for the faint hearted, but it’ll sure raise a smile, plenty of laughs and a few knowing nods. Comedian Chris Ramsey and wife Rosie’s podcast Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed. is certainly one for out of hours but as they describe it, doing a podcast is the only way “they can have a conversation without being interrupted by a toddler or ending up staring at their phones”.
They chat about everything; from relationships to parenting, arguments and anything else in between, plus take questions from the public in every episode. Now with a whopping 62 episodes available, headphones in and enjoy!
Moving and shaking
Queen of the 90s, Sophie Ellis-Bexter brings non-stop disco to kitchens across the UK with weekly live videos from her home to yours. This one is great for a little boogie when you’re cooking dinner, dancing with the kids or if you need to let off some steam. Crank it up and let it go.
Where to find professional support, for mums
If you’re struggling to manage, know that there are lots of support options available to help you through this difficult time, and always. Samaritans are available 27/4, 365 days a year on 116 123 if you need to chat in a safe, confidential space.
The Birth Trauma Association is a UK-based charity who support women with PTSD after experiencing trauma at birth. They offer a closed support group service on Facebook.
The Association for Post Natal Illness (APNI) is a leading organisation providing support to mothers suffering from postnatal illness. In their own words, “You are not alone. Get in touch for friendly advice or just to talk. ANPI is here to help.” Their helpline is available from 10am - 2pm on 0207 386 0868 or they offer an online service via their website.
Cry-sis, a charity dedicated to supporting parents with babies who cry excessively and have sleeping problems, offers a dedicated helpline 08451 228 669 available 9am - 10pm.
If you’re a single parent looking for support, Gingerbread offers single parents a variety of services, including skills training to gain employment, financial support information and other parent connections.