Happiful is partnering with RED January to encourage people to move for their mood and positive mental health benefits. We’ve got great online talks lined up too. Join us!
If you’ve signed up for RED January 2022 then we've got great programme of online events and replays coming up for you! And, if you haven’t, it's not too late! Head over to RED and sign up today to become part of this amazing, positive and caring community.
Following the success of last years’ Happiful’s midweek motivation webinars we’ve got some brilliant free talks lined up for 2022.
Register for your free place today!
Wednesday 19 January, midday
Moving for mood, self-care and connection
Train Happy author, podcast host and PT Tally Rye will join broadcaster, GP and author of Know Your Own Power Dr Radha Modgil for this webinar focusing on moving for mood, self care and connection.
Happiful’s writer Kat Nicholls, a confidence mentor and host of Seedling podcast, will chair this talk.
Listen to Tally Rye talk about Train Happy on Happiful's podcast I am. I have
Wednesday 12 January, midday
Movement and the menopause
Subscribe to Happiful's podcast I am. I have to recieve the replay as soon as this is live.
Happiful’s podcast host Lucy Donoughue hosted a discussion with Nutritionist, menopause and hormone expert and founder of Happy Hormones for Life, Nicki Williams and joy encourager, beach cleaner and midlife adventurer Jo Moseley, who is also the host of The Joy of SUP.
The panel discussed the impact of the perimenopause and menopause on mood, the ways movement can support our wellbeing and share their own experiences.
Follow Happiful’s social media for RED activity updates and more about our programme as it's announced
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