Made in Chelsea stars Binky Felstead and Josh Patterson are among the celebrities supporting the campaign
The #ShoutieSelfie campaign was created by maternal mental health campaigner and founder of Mummy Links App, Emily Tredget.
Running alongside Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (30 April - 4 May 2018), the aim of the campaign is to support and encourage people to get talking about mental health during and after pregnancy.
More than one in 10 women develop a mental illness during the time of pregnancy, or within the first year of having a baby and yet, many will suffer in silence.
"I wish he didn't exist. Take him, I don't want him anymore."
— 5News (@5_News) April 30, 2018
Around one in 10 women are affected by postnatal depression – these mums are speaking up for those who suffer in silence.#5News | #ShoutieSelfie | #HiddenHalf | @BinkyFelstead | @MummyFelstead | @MummyLinksApp pic.twitter.com/u5DXIW9WKm
On Mummy Links App, Tredget writes: “Do you know three mums? One of them is struggling with a mental health issue. And the likelihood is that all of them struggle with loneliness at some point each week.”
“This is what #ShoutieSelfie is about. It’s about showing mums that are struggling that you understand and support them. That they are not alone, and that it’s OK to feel the way they are.”
“When I had my son three years ago I struggled with terrible postnatal depression and anxiety. But I hid away. I went from being a confident and ambitious woman, to a nervous new mum who tried her best not to be left along with her baby, and got panicky about the thought of her best friend popping round for a coffee.”
“Luckily it didn’t take me long to realise what was going on. The difference was so pronounced that it was hard to miss. But this isn’t the case for everyone.”
This is my #ShoutieSelfie. I ♥️ a mum who suffered #PND. 1in3 mums suffer; most in silence. But #maternalMHmatters. Please support this #hiddenhalf by posting this msg with yours, tagging 5 friends @MummyLinksApp for hall of fame. More info: https://t.co/WzB63dwpqh pic.twitter.com/rY1eCTKjzY
— MummyLinks (@MummyLinksApp) April 30, 2018
Felstead’s mum, Jane who starred alongside her daughter in Made in Chelsea, supports the campaign. She said: “I suffered with postnatal depression and I really don’t want any other mums to go through what I went through.
“Whilst I obviously can’t stop it happening to some, I hope that by sharing my story and supporting #ShoutieSelfie, it will help mums to get help quickly and not feel wrong, different or ashamed.”
My #ShoutSelfie! I ❤️ a mum who suffered #PND please support by & tag 5 friends + #ShoutSelfie https://t.co/Ejgl61gvlO @MummyLinksApp pic.twitter.com/xrrv9Zd1Ze
— Jane Felstead (@MummyFelstead) April 30, 2018
Supporting parents - whether your friends or others - is so important. With one in 10 women struggling, we need to show that it is OK. It can be incredibly lonely, and we need to show parents that it’s OK to feel the way they are feeling, and that there is no shame in asking for help.
Share your #ShoutieSelfie and join in the conversation on Twitter.
For more stories on the experience of motherhood, the struggles of being a parent, how they have made it through the other side and how you can too, read our interviews with Giovanna Fletcher, Denise Welch, Tamara Ecclestone and Katie Piper.
For mental health support and information, visit Counselling Directory.