Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency is a new four-part series which gains access to Nottinghamshire Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest mental health trusts
The series will explore the unprecedented pressure our mental health services face every day. With Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust opening its doors, viewers are placed at the heart of the complex, seemingly impossible, decision-making process.
With the first episode airing tonight at 10pm, the four-part special shows a unique and frank first-person perspective of mental ill-health in 2019.

In a statement ahead of the series, John Brewin, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Chief Executive said: “We knew that taking part in this series had its risks, but having seen all four episodes, I am very glad we made the decision we did. Our staff come across as unfailingly compassionate and caring, a credit to the Trust.
“This is a series we can all be proud of. It covers a diverse range of mental health and we see the brilliant care being delivered by staff along with the challenges they face daily. Patients allowed us in at the most sensitive time for them and the main feedback all patients have given after viewing their episode is that they are very proud of themselves - which is brilliant and what we hoped to achieve.”
“We hope this series will raise debate and robust conversation around resources and the state of mental health today; alongside championing the brilliant work our staff all do”
Our view of mental health has changed. While once a taboo subject, mental health awareness continues to rise, with everyone from celebrities and the Royals, to school children and teenagers now being prepared to share experiences, and learn the relevant avenues of support.
Throughout the series, viewers will meet people from across the UK who are in the midst of their mental health journey. With issues varying from postpartum psychosis, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety, the truth of our mental health services is clear: we are in crisis. But, while demand rises, and despite an incredibly stretched and underfunded resource, the people working to help and support those need are not giving up.
Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency airs tonight at 10 pm on Channel 4. For mental health support and information, visit Counselling Directory.