Happiful has always loved and admired the work of The Body Shop, but their campaign to improve self-love globally has inspired us to take action – and we encourage you to do the same...
Each and every one of us will experience moments of self doubt and less-than positive thoughts about our abilities or the way we look. However, our longest and deepest relationship is with ourselves, and so it’s time, with compassion, to address the negative self-talk and turn towards self-love and appreciation.
The Body Shop is helping people to do just that, with its wonderful campaign Self-Love Uprising, and Happiful are huge advocates of the work.
Self-Love study shows the need for action
A “worldwide self-love crisis” has been identified by The Body Shop, as a result of a major new global study into the subject. The Body Shop Global Self Love Index was commissioned to understand the issues on a worldwide scale. From November to December 2020, they asked more than 22,000 people from 21 different counties how they rated their self-worth, happiness and wellbeing.
This self-love study covers a huge amount of ground in terms of mental health, self esteem, the impact of age, gender and geography as well as the way in which the pandemic has changed how we view ourselves.
The extensive results paint a picture of need in terms of our own self-love, confidence, and finding our place in the world post-pandemic.
Self-Love Uprising
As a result of this study, The Body Shop has taken action by launching a global movement in a bid to effect positive change. Self-Love Uprising is supported by British activist and actress Jameela Jamil and The Millennial Therapist Sara Kuburic, as well as respected activist and author Gina Martin, and many other leading lights in the self-love sphere and conversation.
Get involved – join the uprising!
As we know at Happiful, feelings of self-doubt and poor self-esteem have a massive impact on people’s day to day life, and The Body Shop has responded to these statistics with a brilliant, easily actionable initiatives to involve as many people as possible.
“Our mission is to fight for a fairer and more beautiful world,” Linda Campbell of The Body Shop UK says. “In order to create a positive change in the world, we must start with creating a positive change within.
“We call for people around the world to rise up with self-love, especially in a society that promotes self-doubt and insecurity. We are excited to embark on this journey to drive change individually, in the beauty industry and beyond.”
The Body Shop aims to inspire 1 million acts of self-love in one year, to create more love and positive change in the world. It doesn’t matter how big or small, every act can lead to big change.
To find out more
Read The Body Shop Global Self-Love Index
Visit the Self Love Hub
Sign up to the Love Your Body Club
Happiful will be featuring information about Self Love Uprising and The Body Shop’s work over the coming months.
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