It’s easy to feel stuck in a rut, or that you’ve lost your way in life. Using tips from a transformation coach and life purpose expert, you can soon set yourself on a new course
In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E Frankl, a psychiatrist held in a concentration camp during the Second World War, found that that the prisoners who were more likely to survive had a purpose to keep them going. Recent studies have corroborated these findings, and shown that living a purposeful life not only makes people happier and more successful, but can also lead to countless benefits, including higher job satisfaction, longer life-span and better sleep.
If you’re feeling lost or stuck, finding your life purpose can help you move forward. Find a quiet space, grab a cup of tea and a notebook, and follow these steps to find your purpose.
Approach the process like a child
Children are naturally curious, and they approach life without judgement or fear. I invite you to approach this exercise with the same curiosity. Try to minimize any expectations of the outcome, and instead focus on observing insights as they come up.
Set the intention to find purpose
“Where intention goes, energy flows” is one of my favorite quotes by James Redfield. This may seem like a basic step, but it sends a powerful message to your subconscious, and helps you access inspiration and ideas buried deep within. I also recommend writing down your intention, as this helps it become something tangible, rather than just an idea in your head.
What is important to you?
Write down a list of things that are important to you. Don’t think about it, just ask yourself the question, and write what comes to mind –family, love, independence, fun, the earth, making a difference.
What is your heart's desire?
What if you didn’t have to worry about responsibilities, chores, money, or your career? If your time was completely free to do what you choose, how would you spend it? When we strip away all the things we ‘have’ to do, we often realise what we truly want. Write down all the answers that come to mind.
What did you want to be as a child?
Remember when you used to pretend you were a pilot, spread your arms and ‘fly’ around the house? Or you played doctor with your teddy bears? Recall what you wanted to be as a child, and why. Picture a memory related to that dream and write it down.
What would you do if you didn’t need money?
A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that money equals purpose – this is one of the biggest sources of unhappiness that I have seen over the years as a coach.
By focusing on money as the main purpose, and not a by-product of following their purpose, people get stuck in jobs and relationships they dislike, and eventually burn out.
By writing your answer to this question, you’ll be able to take money out of the equation and focus on the things that truly matter to you.
Finding your purpose is one of the most powerful things you will do in your life
Where do you lose yourself?
Think about what you are doing or thinking when you lose track of time. When are you most in the flow of life? Think about the last time you looked at the clock and were surprised at how much time had passed. Write down the details of as many experiences as you can remember.
Putting it all together
Take a look at everything you have written. Circle any recurring words, thoughts or ideas that are coming up. What inspired you the most? What images came to mind when you were going through this exercise? The patterns you see will point you in the direction of your life purpose.
Write down your short sentence
Summarise your life purpose in one short sentence: I’m here to _____________________________. Write it down and put it somewhere visible.
Finding your purpose is one of the most powerful things you will do in your life. Once you have done this step, I invite you to make your purpose a part of your everyday life, to help inspire you to craft the life you truly want.
For more information on personal development visit lifecoach-directory.org.uk