Do you want to be a part of our special edition magazine?
Getting creative is a pretty therapeutic outlet. Whether you enjoy picking up a pen and paper, drawing, painting, singing, artistic expression is an incredible thing, and we know how many of our wonderful readers have used it as a tool to process their own emotions, or bring insight by allowing others into their world through creativity.
We want to celebrate that, so in an upcoming issue we’ll be collating submissions of your orginal artistic work. If you’ve got something you want to share, we want to read/see/experience it.
We’re looking for:
- Digital artwork
- High-quality photos (if physical artwork)
- Comic strips
- Poetry
- Photography
- Short stories (max 800 words)
Please send your entry to [email protected], with the subject line: Creative Special Submission, by Thursday the 28 February.
Within your submission email, please include your name and age, along with few sentences to explain what your artwork means to you, why you created it, and how creativity has helped you.
Due to the volume of submissions, we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to respond to everyone, but we will definitely come back to you if your work has been selected to confirm details, and get your address – we’d love to send you a copy when it’s printed!
We can’t wait to share your fantastic work – watch out for updates on when you can expect the special issue to hit shelves!