6 mental health and wellbeing books for World Book Day
updated on Mar 7, 2024

This World Book Day, we’ve handpicked some of our favourite mental health and wellbeing books that we think deserves a spot on your reading list
1. The Year I Stopped to Notice by Miranda Keeling
Have you ever stopped to notice the way the wind feels as it brushes though your hair, or the faces you pass by on the street? A busy lifestyle can prevent us from enjoying the simple pleasures in life, but sometimes all we need to relieve ourselves from everyday stress is to simply slow down, and take the time to notice the little things around us.
Inspired by the much-loved Twitter account (X), The Year I Stopped to Notice documents the sublime beauty of ordinary moments in everyday life, all from the eyes of author Miranda Keeling. If you need a sign to slow down and savour the moment, take this book as inspiration.
(Out now)
2. The Art of Feeling Better: How I Heal My Mental Health (And You Can Too) by Matilda Heindow
On the days that we are struggling, sometimes all we need is a friend to help us to feel more like ourselves again. And what better friend is there to help us through these challenging times than mental health advocate Matilda Heindow?
In her book The Art of Feeling Better, the talented illustrator uses tools from her own mental health experiences to help you become the friend that you deserve in times of need. Afterall, no one knows your mind better than you. With more than 50 informative illustrations and pages packed with practical advice, Matilda’s hope is that this toolkit will leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and validated.
(Out now)
3. Ten Times Calmer: Beat Anxiety and Change Your Life by Dr Kirren Schnack
According to research published by the Mental Health Foundation, a staggering 60% of adults in the UK have experienced anxiety that has interfered with their daily life. For those on the receiving end, the symptoms that come with anxiety can feel scary and overwhelming. But, the good news is there are things you can do to help put your anxiety in the back-seat and reclaim control.
Showing us how to take the first step is Dr Kirren Schnack, a clinical psychologist whose primary goal is to help those who don’t have access to therapy. She uses her wealth of experience to help people understand what they’re feeling – including how to adapt and manage those feelings with practical exercises and advice. Take her hand as she guides you down a path to being ten times calmer.
(Out now)
4. Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World by Gretchen Rubin
Imagine the sensation of soft sand on the soles of your feet. How does it make you feel? Now try to recall the smell of your favourite ice cream. Does it transport you to a fond memory? Whether you’re engaging in sight, taste, smell, sound or touch, we have a lot to thank our senses for. Not only do they help us tune-in to the physical world around us, but they also help us to live a happier, more mindful life.
After experiencing an epiphany when visiting her eye doctor, Grethin Rubin realised that she had been overlooking the profound power of her senses. Now, the bestselling author of The Happiness Project, is here to tell us why we should embrace our senses, and how to utilise them fully.
(Out now)
5. 52 Ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness and Joy, One Week at a Time by Annabel Streets
We’re all familiar with the wonderful wellbeing benefits that come with walking. Maybe you feel relieved from stress after walking down the road, or maybe you’ve seen your sleeping routine improve as a result. As impressive as this is, there is also so much more to walking that we have yet to explore.
In Annabel's informative handbook, she delves into the lesser known benefits of walking, such as why walking alone strengthens our memories, or why walking in woodlands helps to aid restorative sleep – perfectly curated to help you rediscover the joy found in this simple act.
(Out now)
6. The Mind Manual: Mental Fitness Tools for Everyone by Dr Alex George
Taking care of our mental health should not just be reserved for when we reach boiling point. Just as we would water a plant to help it grow, it deserves to be nurtured consistently. And who better to guide us on this journey than Youth Mental Health Ambassador, Dr. Alex George? With his compassionate approach, he equipts us with easy-to-understand tools and knowledge to help us exercise our own mental fitness.
(Out now)
Book cover images | amozon.co.uk